How David Scher Found Success At The Age Of 20
Influencer marketing campaigns have gone through a huge spike in popularity over the years and with good reason. Back in the day, before the rise of the internet and social media accounts, marketers didn’t have as many choices like we do today. Celebrities were created by mass media and the only influencer marketing campaigns that we saw were expensive campaigns
We have on our radar, David Scher Colonia, New Jersey, who just turned 20. A social media influencer and happens to be the owner of three companies. Not only he helps brands to create an impact on digital grounds but also runs his own successful businesses that includes Scher Marketing, a marketing agency. He is big into stocks and also helps artist run their campaigns to make sure all their concerts would sell out. Apart from that he is into e-commerce dropshipping that is running successfully too. So what makes him so successful in the contemporary world at this young age? What is his secret mantra for success? Let’s find out how has he been able to do all these miracles:
What Made You Successful Entrepreneur At 20?
Understand that on a journey of an entrepreneur it is not about your age itis not about the degrees you have, to school you into or the area that you live in. It is about the work that you put in, is about the focus that you have on your dreams and goals in my life. There are so many things that could have taken me away from success, so many people that did not believe and so many self-doubts as I was starting my business. At times I felt like the world was against me, my entire family friends and association did not believe in what I was doing. One of the biggest factors to my success was getting uncomfortable. I started to work my business, I put in the work day and night 24/7. I told myself; in order for things to change, you must change. I needed to stop bad habits, needed to cut off people who are not adding to my life and I needed to actually put in the work and get rid of the excuses. This is what most people are not good at doing they have a million excuses but no work ethic. We don’t grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges. Every challenge that you will face in your life will make you stronger. It will develop your story and it will help you understand what you are here to do and a legacy that you’re here to leave. If you do not challenge yourself today, this week, this month, this year, you might never realize what you could have become. The last thing that you want is regret in your life. I could’ve should’ve, would’ve. You want to tell yourself and your family that you did everything that you possibly could to achieve success. I want you all to volunteer the commitment today; to work on yourself, to better yourself, to become the best you too. Not only just say I want to live my best life but to truly live your best life. So, make the decision today to go all-in on your future and watch how your life unfolds.