Meet Aiden Plye, The 15 Year Old Changing Social Media

Kaleem Akhtar
3 min readOct 11, 2020


Here we have someone who has had a great success in the digital world at a very young age. Aiden Plye is the upcoming sensation who has a pretty big following on Instagram and Snapchat. Along with that, Aiden also has connections in the music industry and has done paid-partnerships with very big companies. But how does he do it?

We had the chance to ask Aiden some questions about his success at such a young age, because what he is doing is very inspiring.

Aiden has a hand in almost every industry from fashion to music — and he’s very good at it, but how?

Plye said he always has wanted to do something different and be a trendsetter (which he most certainly is) so he started doing things from writing music, sketching clothing ideas, and began doing digital-marketing. “When it comes to business and marketing, I have always been interested in it and it just comes to me naturally.”

Another thing that Aiden has going for him is his connections in the digital world. Aiden knows plenty of internet celebrities that have massive following on social platforms and some even being celebrities. In this industry, having connections is a must if you want to be successful.

Aiden seems to be growing exponentially across the internet at a very high level. When Aiden posts on his social profiles, he always seems to break his previous record — with more people going to view his posts when a new one is uploaded. This young man knows what he’s doing and is unstoppable when it comes to his growth and popularity.

Aiden makes it look easy, but admits growing an audience at first is very difficult and you really need to dedicate everything you have into it. “This isn’t going to happen to you magically or with little work, you really need to put time and effort into whatever you’re passionate about.” said Plye. When he started, he said his main motivation was to make a difference in the online scene and not have to “fit-in” with what everyone else was posting. He wanted to gain popularity off of doing what he found was interesting and didn’t care about whom or what was against him.

When it comes to people his age, Aiden is one of the most influential public figures you’ll see. He always tries to spread positivity and is trying to help others. “I want people to be able to do what they want and be successful without worrying about society’s expectations” said Aiden late into the interview.

Aiden has connected with people in the music industry and has written a lot of music which has been used and inspired many notable artists. His favorite artist is “Machine Gun Kelly”, and said he wants to work with him in the future. He couldn’t share much more detail about what he’s working on at the moment.

Aiden writes most of his music from his life experiences and things he has gone through. He says he enjoys hearing his writing in music and hearing it included in songs.

Aiden had a message to “do whatever you want and don’t care about what others think or say.”

Aiden has also had paid partnerships with Hollister and Boohooman where he posted Instagram stories with their products, but didn’t reveal how much he made off of those. He said the best thing to do when looking for sponsors or partnerships is to find a company that connects well with your audience and a brand they will engage with. At the end, Plye also said he is working on something with fashion and social media but said he can’t say anything about the project at the moment.

Aiden is one of the most successful people in the digital world at such a young age and we’re excited to see what he will accomplish in the next few years.



Kaleem Akhtar
Kaleem Akhtar

Written by Kaleem Akhtar

“We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve “ 😍 ❤

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